Statutory Information



  1. School contact details - see "Contact Us" page
  2. Admissions arrangements - see Policies page
  3. Ofsted Reports - see Ofsted's website for our latest report: 
  4. Exam and Assessment results - see performance data page
  5. Curriculum - we follow the National Curriculum. We follow the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' Phonics programme. The National Curriculum can be viewed here: National Curriculum in England - Primary Curriculum. Please see our "Curriculum" page for more information or email the school office for specific enquiries.
  6. Behaviour policy - see Policies page
  7. Complaints Policy - see Policies page
  8. Pupil premium - see "Pupil Premium" page
  9. PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools - see "Sports Grants" page
  10. Special Education Needs Report - see Policies page
  11. Governors Information and Duties - see "Governors" page
  12. Charging and Remissions Policy - see Policies page
  13. Values and Ethos - see "Vision and Values " page
  14. Accessibility plan- see Policies page
  15. Requests for copies - we will provide a paper copy of any of the information on this website free of charge.
  16. Our Privacy Notice (to comply with GDPR) 
  17. Covid-19: Remote Learning Policy, Remote Learning Overview for Parents and evaluated 'Recovery spending plan' 2020-21. The spending plan for 2021-22 forms part of our Pupil Premium Strategy, and can be found on our Pupil Premium page.  
  18. Salaries and school financial benchmarking- see 'Financial Information' page
  19. Equality Duty- details of how we comply with our Public Sector Equality Duty can be found here. Our Equalities objectives can be found on our Policies page. 
  20. Name of person who deals with queries from parents and the public: Mrs V Howell (

  21. School opening hours: The school day runs from 8.45am until 3.15pm (6.5 hours a day/ 32.5 hours a week).