Cranbrook Online Safety Ambassadors


What we do: 


  • Help others to be safer online 
  • Talk to children across the school after safety concerns they might have 
  • Keep parents and Governors up to date on current Online Safety topics 
  • Promote safer internet day and help plan activities 
  • Help plan and co-ordinate Online Safety assemblies and events  


See below for top tips for keeping safe online, written by the Online Safety Ambassadors:

Do not give away any personal information to people you don't know and have never met. 

When playing online, only speak to people you know are your friends in real life. 


If you receive a horrible comment online, tell an adult immediately. 

Do not click on pop-ups you don’t understand. They may download a virus to your phone, tablet or computer.


Do not meet anyone in real life who you only know online.

Be careful about what you post on social media. Make sure your privacy settings are high.